Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Movies and Gas #2

Reading my last post in an email sparked memories of my teen immature years. Every since I can remember I have been facinated with farts and farting noises, especially those that come from my armpit. If you've never heard of this, just raise your left arm, take your right hand and cup it under your left armpit, and bring your left arm down to your side quickly. This will cause the air cupped between your hand and your armpit to escape creating a farting noise! It's quite fun! You should try it... right now in fact... I just did!.....

Anyways, growing up and doing this on a daily basis I became quite good at it, so good in fact that I could make the noises really loud and sound tremendouly REAL! So, when my brother and I would go to the movies together I would wait for that one dark screen and dead silence moment right between the previews and the beginning of the movie. It is then when I would raise my left arm, slide my right hand in a cupping position under my left armpit, and let'er rip! Oh, the laughing and snickering... Too bad I wasn't good at making them smell real too!

Hmmm. Maybe that's why I was never good at picking up the hot girls at the movies!


At May 14, 2008 at 9:28 AM , Blogger Sweet Yet Sassy said...

Awwww! How romantical!

I know this post will have all of the ladies wanting you.

But girls, Back off! He is mine!


At May 15, 2008 at 5:51 AM , Blogger Amy said...

Wow. That's classy. :)


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