Saturday, July 19, 2008

And Then The Fight Started

I rear-ended a car this morning.
So, there we were alongside the road and slowly the other driver got out of his car.
You know how sometimes you just get soooo stressed and little things just seem funny?
Yeah well, I couldn't believe it... he was a DWARF!!!
He stormed over to my car, looked up at me and shouted, 'I AM NOT HAPPY!!!'

So, I looked down at him and said, 'Well then, which one are you?'

And then the fight started...

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


I find gardening very entertaining. I enjoy planting a seed and watching it grow. I enjoy watching the blooms turn into small vegetables. I enjoy watching the vegetable grow and grow until I am able to walk out, pick one, and eat it right there in the garden. But I'd have to say that the most enjoyment that I get from growing a garden is being able to pick more than I can eat and sharing the fruits with my friends.

Today, I picked my first fruit. It was a cucumber. I brought it up to the church, gave it to my Pastor (Proverbs 3:9, "Honor the LORD from your wealth and from the first of all your produce;") After a few minutes, he came into my office and asked if he could share it with me. We sliced it, salted and peppered it, and ate it. We even added some hot sauce to it. Have the ability to enjoy the result of something you sow is a tremendous feeling.

In the same way that I get joy from planting a seed in the ground, I get joy from planting seeds into God's kingdom. I am pleased to give because I know that I am giving into the greatest program there is. The lives that are changed and grown because of Christian ministry are second to no other program. I believe if everyone knew how much impact the ministries across the world, and moreso in thier local church, had on so many lives, they too would get joy from investing into the greatest kingdom of all, God's Kingdom.

May we see the fruits from the seeds we sow into the Kingdom of God.

Monday, July 7, 2008


Ok, so I know its been a while since I have blogged anything... Yes, life HAS been that busy! Just to name a few things.... VBS, Church Camp, Preaching 3 sermons in 1 week, License to Preach exams.... want more??? Preparation for wedding and honeymoon in Oct, preparation for a friends wedding in TN in August, very sick Granny....

So, here it is, the NEW POST!

I really enjoy fireworks. I remember a time when I was younger. My family and I went out to 21st bridge to enjoy the grand 4th of July fireworks display. More than anything, the cool colors and different shapes, I enjoyed the ground shaking explosions. In the past few years, I have been on a mountain top far off watching, which I really enjoy because you can look over the city and see several firework displays at once. However, the ground shaking and booming is not there, so part of the experience is missing. This year, I wanted to go back to 21st street bridge and I did. Although I didn't show it, I was very excited to be there and was really looking forward to the display, but more so the bangs and booms and rumbling under my feet.

A piece of advise: when going to watch fireworks, never set anywhere near cars.

At about 9:30, the 21st street bridge booming started. These shows last about 30 min. And this year for 30 min I got to watch a great fireworks display and listen, not to the booming, not to the banging, and not to the rumbling under my feet, but I got to listen to the oldest uglist car in the parking lot, a mid 90's toyota 4 runner I believe it was, with the loudest most annoying alarm system you've ever heard. Maybe the owner was from the ghetto, maybe he/she was paranoid. But to the owner of the mid 90s toyota 4 runner: NO ONE, NEVER, EVER WOULD EVER THINK OF TOUCHING YOUR CAR!!!!!!!! Why in the world would you have an alarm system on YOUR CAR???? Thank you for half way ruining my first yearback to the booms of the fireworks display....

Next year, I will stay away from all mid 90s toyota 4 runners!